
A simple desktop application that freezes zoom with a keyboard shortcut.

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Zoom Freeze

A super simple to use tool that freezes yourself on other’s Zoom.


We have all been there. You have been called on by your teacher or boss, and you were off daydreaming about something better than being in a boring meeting. You are forced to answer something dumb, and everyone instantly knows your head was in the clouds.

Now, you no longer have to suffer! With Zoom Freeze, you can instantly make your video streaming stop on other’s devices. People will think, “oh no, poor guy. His big presentation has been messed up by his horrible internet!”. No one will know what really happened!

Note: This only works on macs.


You can install this app by clicking here. After it’s downloaded, you’ll be prompted to drag the app to your applications folder. After you have completed that, it’s installed! You can spotlight search “Zoom Freeze” to open the app. No window will popup, but the app will be activated.


Open Zoom Freeze. No window will open up, but the application will be activated. After joining a meeting, hit command and J. This will freeze your zoom. To unfreeze it, just hit the same keys.